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一、申请者个人信息 Applicant Personal Information
请先点击保存,再进入下一个模块内容的填写,以防止信息丢失 Please click the ‘save’ button before you move to the next section to avoid information loss.
二、申请者教育背景 Applicant Education Background
公立学校 Chinese Public School
民办学校(包括双语学校)Chinese Private School
外籍人员子女学校 International School
其他 Other
您的单科中考成绩(请换算为百分制,如您的语文成绩为108,语文单科满分为120,请填写90%。Divide a by b (a/b) and enter the % as a whole number from 0-100. For example, if your Chinese scored 108 out of 120 please enter 90%.)
最近一个学年的成绩 Grade of recent academic year
您的个人中考成绩总分 Your Zhongkao Score Total
您所在地区的中考满分 The Zhongkao score maximum in your region
语文 Chinese
数学 Mathematics
英语 English
最近一个学年的成绩 Grade of recent academic year
语文 Chinese
数学 Mathematics
英语 English
生物 Biology
化学 Chemistry
物理 Physics
科学 Sciences(combined)
政治 Politics
地理 Geography
历史 History
人文 Humanities(combined)
美术 Art
音乐 Music
体育 P.E.
Please provide your grade according to your transcript, which needs to be provided when you are participating CWA selection. CWA reserves the right to withdraw admission decision if your grade does not match your transcript.
请先点击保存,再进入下一个模块内容的填写,以防止信息丢失 Please click the ‘save’ button before you move to the next section to avoid information loss.
三、家长信息 Parents’ Information
健康情况说明 Health Statement
请先点击保存,再进入下一个模块内容的填写,以防止信息丢失 Please click the ‘save’ button before you move to the next section to avoid information loss.
四、奖学金申请(非必填)Scholarship application (not required)
温馨提示:如申请者希望申请奖学金,则需对该问题进行作答;如无计划申请奖学金,则可跳过此问题。由于需填写较多文字,建议先在word上草拟,再复制黏贴到此文本框内,以防超时导致信息丢失 Gentle reminder : If applicants wish to apply for a scholarship, they need to answer this question; if they do not plan to apply for a scholarship, they can skip this question. Please draft in Word document to avoid information loss.
请先点击保存,再进入下一个模块内容的填写,以防止信息丢失 Please click the ‘save’ button before you move to the next section to avoid information loss.
五、申请者诚信承诺 Applicant Integrity Statement


Every student who is accepted to a CWA is required to sign a CWA Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct sets out the collective expectations the CWA has for its students, and all expectations exist to insure that we all live in safe, respectful and responsible CWA communities. Academic integrity is not only an expectation in the CWA Code of Conduct; it is also a requirement in the IB program. Academic dishonesty is not tolerated by any CWA, nor the IB, and that includes presenting someone else’s written work as your own.


This application is your application, and you are fully expected to complete it entirely on your own. Failure to do so will result in a denial of your application, ineligibility to apply to CWA in the future and, if it is determined after you have been admitted to CWA that you had inappropriate assistance with your application, your offer will be rescinded, your space at CWA withdrawn. We don’t expect your responses to be written in perfect Chinese or English, nor for your ideas to be polished. CWA will help you perfect your language skills and teach you to present polished ideas. We expect you to present yourself, and if you advance to the interview stage of the application process we are going to spend a day comparing what you submitted in your application with the person you are on interview day. Be yourself throughout the application process and you will have a much better chance of acceptance. You will also feel so much prouder when you are actually offered admission.



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0512-5298 2628 / 185 0152 9098



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